Membership Form
Members of the DRESSAGE DESPERADOS get to meet and network with fellow dressage devotees and have the right to vote about club decisions and board members. Your membership fee helps the club to buy ribbons and pay for show expenses. Members also get to participate by volunteering at shows, looking for sponsors, attending clinics as auditors, helping with education or administrative jobs, and attending club meetings and parties!
The membership fee for either active or passive membership is $25 per year, from December 1st to November 30th. Donations are always welcome!
You don't need to be a DD member to participate in our schooling shows, but you will be charged a non-member fee ($10 per show) due to insurance requirements.
Click the Membership Form button to download the membership form.
Schooling Show Entry Form
We are planning to host 3 schooling shows in 2021. In addition to the USEF/USDF Classical Dressage tests, we offer:
♦ Lead Line Class
♦ Dressage Seat Equitation
♦ Sport Horse Prospect (In-Hand)
♦ Western Dressage
♦ NWHA Gaited Dressage
♦ Dressage for Working Equitation
Click on the underlined text above to be directed to tests. Click the Entry Form button to download the entry form.

Schooling Show Sponsorship Form
Classes may be sponsored on a per show basis or for the entire year. The cost is $10.00 per class per show. There will be three schooling shows put on this year by the Dressage Desperados. We will announce your sponsorship at the beginning of each ride in the class that you have sponsored. There will also be a sign announcing your sponsorship at each show. Click the Sponsorship Form button to download the sponsorship form.
Parade of Champions 2021
This year we are planning a fun, special class celebrating our equine amigos that are 25+ years old. It will be an in-hand class with a brief bio of your old friend, held at the second show of the season on August 15th, 2021. The entry fee for this special class is $10 for DD annual members and $20 for non-members. Qualifications:
This class is for our older horses (25+)
The horse will show in-hand with a snaffle bridle
Please include a short bio of your horse on the entry form
Click the Parade Entry form button to download the form.
Rules and Entry Procedures:
One Entry Form per horse/rider combination.
Entry must be signed/dated by owner and rider.
Discount: Enter 5 classes, get the 6th for free (per barn).
Entries received after the closing date add $5 (no exceptions).
If scratched before the closing date, the fees are eligible for either a money refund or a rollover for a next show, as you choose. If chosen rollover/next show is not attended, no second refund/rollover will be offered.
If scratched after the closing date, no refund can be given.
WDAA Members who want their DD schooling scores registered with WDAA for year-end awards must pay a $10 fee.
Each rider must complete a Covid19 Release Form and turn it in at registration on the day of the show. Click the Release Form button to download the release form.
During Covid19 restrictions, we have some special show day rules. No spectators are allowed, but each rider can bring one groom to assist them. Social distancing is in effect, and all participants must wear masks while on the show grounds except while competing. There will be no lunch or schooling day, but we can still have a fun, safe show!